
Ryan - the entrepreneur

This incident happened some time ago. Most of the "ah yees" already know this. I am blogging just for the record.

Ryan actually digged up pebbles in his school ground, cleaned them and thought of selling them to his friends. He chickened out in the end.

At home, he would fold papers into "crushgear". It looked like "frogs" to me. He attempted to sell them to his cousins when they turn up for swimming lessons on Saturday. In fact, Ryan marketed his "products" over the phone beforehand and called Joel to get 20 cents from his mommy before coming. Joel did and bought.

The other cousins also started asking their parents for money. In the end, Ryan made $0.70 from waste papers!

He just showed me that he has another 30+ "crushgear" in stock. They are in different sizes and are priced differently. The most expensive (bigger ones) are 50 cents.

An entrepreneur in the making surely!

Stocks trading!

Mommy is a remisier by day and daddy trades US equity options professionally at night.

Ryan has been very curious about trading and has often asked me questions. Mommy told him we will teach him the basics of trading when he reaches secondary one. That's 13 years old!

Hmmm... to think that I started trading only in Uni, Ryan will have a headstart. He's gonna do it in the future anyway. May not be a bad idea to teach him the ropes under our supervision. I remember trading through trail and error in the past and making silly mistakes.

West Coast Park

For 3 consecutive Sunday evenings in a row, I have brought the boys to West Coast Park.

There is this big pyramid formed by ropes that allow the kids to climb to the top. The adults do it too. It looks dangerous but it is easy and very fun. I was not worried for Ryan. He is old enough to tackle the climb. Ian seemed too young for the challenge but surprisingly he did it with much ease. I climbed together to guide him though.

I will take some pictures someday.

The kids kept saying they wished their cousins would join them and climb together. I think all of them including Timmy could do it with some help. It will sharpen their motor skills. It will also train the parents' hearts seeing their boys climbing so high. Especially "ta yi"?

Since then, Ian is like a monkey at home. He climb onto anything. Sofas, tables, door frames... and jumping from one thing to another. I vividly remember doing the same when I was younger but I cannot remember if I was at Ian's age (5).

Ian - The best class monitor

I never knew I had stopped posting for so long.

During the recent parent-teacher meeting at Ian's childcare last weekend, mommy was told that Ian is the "best class monitor".

Apparently, Ian has been taking his "job" seriously. Everytime the teacher went away, he would automatically sit on the monitor's chair to "supervise" the class and report any misbehaviour enthusiastically. Even though the teacher was away just for a minute, he would give up whatever he was doing to play the monitor's role.

Looking at it another way, he is the "complaint king"??? Well, the teacher said that K1 kids typically enjoy complaining. Just a phase in their life. Nothing to worry about.

I remember I was told one funny incident some months ago. Ian's class was walking to the toilet for their bath. The kids were noisy and did not walk orderly. Ian was so "mad" he scolded the class, made them go back to start point and to walk to the toilet once more. The class actually obeyed!

Do I see an Army commander in the making??