
Superman - real or bluff?

Ian: Daddy, can we go and see Batman in Australia?
Me: Why?
Ian: San yi (3rd aunt) said Batman in Australia is real.
Me: No lah, it's just a man wearing Batman's costume.
Ian: Noooooo!! (in disbelief) San yi said it's real!
Me: Ian, do u believe san yi or daddy? San yi said it's real but daddy is now saying it's bluff.
Ian: (thought for awhile) San yi.
Me: Ian!

Ryan: But daddy, the Batman car is real
Me: It is also not real.
Ryan: But it can move!
Me: Can it fly?
Ryan: (thinking)
Me: My car can also move. I can also paint it like a batman's car.
Ryan: (He looks like he is beginning to understand)

Ian: No lah..it's real.

San yi, can you explain to Ian? He believes you.

But then again, should I kill his super hero fantasy?


At 1:46 PM, Blogger Chuck n Ivy said...

this is so funny... no wonder he told me in the car last evening that his daddy says it is not real. i told him otherwise. but i did not say much to have to convince him again. i guess kids will choose to want to believe that it is true... and i wont kill their superhero fantasy this soon...
on the other hand, jeremy does not believe me that it is real. he chose to believe Ryan!!
by the way, batman car cannot fly.. it transforms into something to fly!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Chuck n Ivy said...

also, shouldn't your subject be "batman - real or bluff?" not SUPERMAN??

you are getting your superheroes mixed up!!!

At 2:27 PM, Blogger Ronald said...

Yeah... think i have gotten the superheroes mixed up. What to do?? Ian has all the superheroes pyjamas. And he likes to wear the batman top and superman bottom and vice versa. I sure blur lah!


At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.


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