
West Coast Park

For 3 consecutive Sunday evenings in a row, I have brought the boys to West Coast Park.

There is this big pyramid formed by ropes that allow the kids to climb to the top. The adults do it too. It looks dangerous but it is easy and very fun. I was not worried for Ryan. He is old enough to tackle the climb. Ian seemed too young for the challenge but surprisingly he did it with much ease. I climbed together to guide him though.

I will take some pictures someday.

The kids kept saying they wished their cousins would join them and climb together. I think all of them including Timmy could do it with some help. It will sharpen their motor skills. It will also train the parents' hearts seeing their boys climbing so high. Especially "ta yi"?

Since then, Ian is like a monkey at home. He climb onto anything. Sofas, tables, door frames... and jumping from one thing to another. I vividly remember doing the same when I was younger but I cannot remember if I was at Ian's age (5).


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