Today is our free and easy day in HK. It is the day the boys have been waiting for since the start of the holiday. HK Disneyland!
Unfortunately, Ryan woke up feeling giddy. He vomitted just before we left the hotel.
We explored our own way to Disneyland by train. Changed 4 trains in total.
Just before we board the last train to Disneyland, Ryan sat on the floor of the busy station and vomitted again.

See the sick boy taking pictures "enthusiastically".
Finally, the boys arrrived at Disneyland. You can see the joy in their eyes. This place is really magical?

Nope.... Ryan is still sick. The magic didn't work too well. He can't eat during lunch.
In fact he was so sick we had to admit him into the sick bay to rest.
While Ryan rested with grandma looking after him, Ian had his great time.
He took rides.
He watched shows. (The show in this picture is "The festival of Lion King")
After about 1 hour, Ryan discharged himself and joined us.

But.... in less than 30 mins, he was down again.

Back into the sick bay. I prayed for him and when I told God to heal him qucikly so he could enjoy Disneyland, tears swelled up. He has waited one year since Joel came to Disneyland. He has also endured 8 days of rain in "boring" China just to visit Disneyland. He was totally disappointed.

Ian continued his solo fun.

He bought toys.
He witnessed the parade.

I must put this on record. Ian took the most exciting Space Mountain ride. The minimum height is 102 cm and he barely reached it with his shoes on. We were a bit worried he would cry. He held on to my hands very tightly. Or rather, I held on to his hands very tighly. He was totally silent inside the pitch dark tunnel. He was also silent at all the sudden drops, twists and turns. When we finally finished the ride, he was so calm and said he wanted to do it again! Wow! Ian is ready for any rides. This is something he can't wait to boast to his sick kor kor.

So, his kor kor was informed of Ian's heroic act. Decided to get out of bed after 2 hours. We went to take the Buzz Lightyears ride. Another ride with minimum height limit. The thrill factor is much lower.
See who joined in the shooting!
Mommy and Ryan
Grandma also!
Ryan was having his fever so we were ready to go home but Ian wanted to catch one more show. Stitch.
See the patch on Ryan's forehead to bring down the temperature? He got special treatments at the queue. He got a chair while the rest stood in queue for 45 mins.
At the end of the show, it was just in time for the fireworks display above the castle. Snow also fell along Main Street.
Took a taxi back to hotel immediately after the fireworks display. Of course, we let Ryan buy as many toys and sweets as he liked before we go. He only chose a few sweets for his cousins.
I have been to other Disneylands and they say this is the smallest. Amazingly, we stayed from 10am to 7pm!!! My legs were aching from the walking. Arms aching from carrying Ian. Exhausted.
We packed food and had dinner in the room.
Sigh.... Ryan has fever, Grandma has cough, Mommy lost voice, Daddy has running nose. Only Ian is fit.