
Batman and exams

Ryan is in the midst of his exams. It will be over by Tuesday (9 May). He has been studying quite hard (my view). Maybe 50% of his free time? He still gets to play but I think he is studying much harder than when I was in primary 2! Heard him reciting the multiplication-tables earlier.

It is hard to draw the line between "being kiasu" and "being responsible". If we do not discipline him and educate him on the importance of studies, who else will? He is only 8. He doesn't know the significance yet.

Credit must be given to mommy. She has been preparing him. I don't think there is too much pressure. Just doing some assessments and stuffs.

My contribution? I promised him a gameboy if he gets all band 1 for English, Maths and Chinese. Some may say my expectations are too high but he has already scored band 1 for both Maths and Chinese as well as a band 2 for English in his recent tests. I am hoping the incentive can motivate him to work a little harder.

Mommy wasn't too pleased at first. She thinks gameboy is addictive. I explained we can use this as a tool to teach discipline. Let him play only on certain days under certain conditions. She agreed.

What has Ian been doing recently? He has been wrapping his pyjamas pants round his neck the last few days without fail, both day and night. He is batman. Jumping from sofa to table and table to floor....

Guess we should let Ian fantasise/play as much as he can before he starts school.


At 11:51 AM, Blogger Joel & family said...

I think x box better. not portable so can't bring anywhere. else imagine Ryan holding the gameboy everywhere he goes...just busy body


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