Last year I brought Ryan to the NDP. Just him and me because I only managed to get 2 tickets.
Sometime in May/June this year, Ian kept asking me if I can bring him to this year's NDP. He kept emphasising that I can only bring him because kor kor has gone last year. I told him it is difficult to get tickets but that look in his eyes tell me he really wanted to go. It is sad to disappoint him.
Thank God, my sister got 2 tickets and offered them to me. Since then, Ian has been looking forward to Aug 9. And when he sees the NDP trailers on TV, he gets excited.
Almost daily, he will ask me or his mommy.
Ian: Mommy, is it August already?
Ian: Daddy, what day is it today?
Ian: How many days more to National day?
I have been teasing him by saying I may not be free to go.... can i bring kor kor instead?...... can i bring mommy instead?.... blah blah blah....
He insist these 2 tickets are for ME and HIM only.
Of course, Ryan is disappointed he can't be there this year.
I hope to have 2 more tickets for actual day. Anyone know how I can get them?
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