
Favourite TV programmes

Picture taken at a karaoke outing

Ian was watching the TV that day and I asked him to hand me the remote control.

Me: Ian, can I have the remote control?

Ian: Again?!! Watch soccer again?

Me: How do you know I want to watch soccer?

Ian: You always watch soccer. So boring! I press for you? Channel 27 right?

(wow... I was impressed he knows the world cup channel is 27)

Me: Who says it's boring?

Ian: Soooooooo..... boring.

Me: What does mommy watch?

Ian: Mommy always watch chinese programme. Also boring.

Me: What channel is that?

Ian: 9

Me: What does kor kor watch?

Ian: Disney channel. 33.

Me: What do you watch?

Ian: Also disney channel.

Me: (teasing him) Disney channel also boring what? So many cartoons. For babies.

Ian: No ok! I not baby.


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