
Father's Day Card

It's 10.30pm, eve of Father's day now. Ryan is busy finishing his father's day card for me.

I saw him working on it but he kept brushing me away. He asked me to give him a few more minutes. And he said he will give me the card on one condition. I cannot put it on the blog.

Hmmmm..... what is so special about this card? I wait in anticipation.

As for Ian, he has given me the card. Ok ok... he did not give me the card. He simply left it on the table and I saw it. He did it in his childcare with the help of his teachers. In case you are wondering what is that abstract drawing, it's "daddy's boat". It is written faintly with pencil on the left hand side (upside down). And I need to teach him how to spell my name properly.

As I am writing this blog, Ryan just came in to give me the card. He left it on the table shyly, mumbled quickly "Happy father's Day" and left the room. I summoned him back, hugged him, thanked him, told him the card is nice and made him wish me properly.

The card is a computer printout, personalised with some of his finishing touches. He actually made 2 cards because Ian spoiled the first one. He said he didn't want anyone else to see the card. I think he is shy about his "work". I will need to encourage him more.

Thank you boys. Daddy is proud of you.


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