Ryan can cycle already!

Last Sunday, Ryan woke me up from my precious nap to teach him how to cycle. I was very unwilling to get out of bed..... I want my precious sleep!
But hey, my boy wants his idol, that's me, to teach him cycling. This is going to stay in his memory forever. I got up immediately to do the job.
We chose the car park because of its space and is usually empty. Thanks to his mommy, they had several sessions already. After just 5 mins, I was convinced that all Ryan needed was some courage. He was already cycling with me "pretending" to hold on to his chair running alongside him. It was a good exercise for me... pant pant.
After some encouragements... "Yes Ryan, well done..... you can do it..... keep cycling... sit up straight... don't slow down..... the faster you paddle, the easier it is.... look up.... yes... see? you are cycling already!"
He went round the carpark several times without stopping.
I hereby certify Ryan Pang Jun Wei ..... a cyclist!
Hip, Hip, Hurray ! Ryan "ko ko" can cylce on a 2 wheel bicycle already! Will let Joel and the rest know and then i will get headache. Why? Because then everyone will want me to remove the small wheel from their present bicyles to become a 2 wheel bicyle!
i was just telling jeremy the other day that he will not get a bike till he learns how to roller blade cos i dont want him to end up like ryan, having the bike and not learning how to cycle!!!
now i must "eat" my words...
Well done, ryan.. wil plan for a trip to east coast next week so that he can show off his new skills!
by the way, Ryan, forgot to mention that uncle chuck thought it was our mistake that you were not keen to learn how to cycle... reason was because the bike was too big!!
Yah lor...this poor mommy try to teach him the last few times, running up and down and holding onto to his bike. Super tiring.
Next on his list is swimming and chess...oops, better call yeo's acquatics soon....
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