Children's tricks, riddles and rhymes

Ryan is in Primary 2 already. It is inevitable for him to bring home jokes/rhymes/riddles/tricks(good and bad ones) that he learned from his school peers. Unfortunately, Ian also pick up very quickly from him.
Below are some examples of what Ryan has learnt from his friends.
Pizza Hut rhyme
We will, we will, kick your butt, till you fart, all the way to Pizza Hut.
Ryan: Dad, is your memory good?
Me: Yes?
Ryan: What is 1+1?
Me: 2
Ryan: What is 2+2?
Me: 4
Ryan: What is 4+4?
Me: 8
Ryan: What is the first question I asked you?
Me: What is 1+1.
Ryan: Wrong! Is your memory good!
Chinese rhyme
chi ku pa! ni de pi gu pao char! wo mo ni de pi gu, ni de pi gu pao char!
(translation: your backside explode, I touch your backside, your backside explode)
1. What goes up and never come down?
2. What makes a man go thin?
Ian has learnt all of the above.
Yes, even his cousins (Joel & Jeremy) got it. Sometimes ago, they were shouting the "pizza hut's" at the top of their voice from the window !!
Hi Ai Lee, Welcome to this blog. Didn't realise yuo have been reading too.
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