
I was out the other night and the boys were naughty at home. Both were playing with the bathroom door when they were bathing. Warnings from Jenny (domestic help) and Ai Peng did not stop them. The door was spoilt.
When I came home, I assessed the damage and decided it was time for some caning. It was already past 11pm i think. Ian was asleep and Ryan was pretending to be sleeping with his entire head under the blanket.
I said in a firm voice for Ryan to remove the blanket but he remained still. Ian woke up from the commotion and helped me remove the blanket over his brother's head. At that moment, Ian was still not sure what was going on.
When I asked them who spoilt the door. Ian put his hand over his brother's mouth, as if to stop him from spilling the beans. (I tried not to laugh)
Caned Ryan 3 times. Once for not listening to his mommy. 2nd time for not listening to Jenny to stop playing with the door. And the 3rd time for spoiing the door.
Caned Ian 6 times. The first 3 for the same reasons as Ryan. Added another 3 for refusing to say sorry. He said that after 6 strokes.
Also deducted $25 from each piggy bank as cost to repair door. Hope this will teach them to be more responsible for their own actions. Don't think Ian feel the pain as much as Ryan because money carries no value to him yet.
Since that night, the cane has been hanging by the bedside.....
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