
Crying Ian

Ian is crying in childcare again!

Ian has been attending childcare for more than a year and he has adapted very well. In fact, he was the merit student for 2005. Behaving well and well liked by the teachers.

In Dec 2005, I had to go to Mumbai for a week and Ai Peng had to send him to childcare instead. That week, Ian started crying daily when his mother leave him to go to work. He was so "manja. Maybe he was not used to the new morning routine.

When I came back, our normal routine resumed but his crying did not stop. He has been creating a scene every morning. It has been 3 months already. Teacher Zhao would have to bring him to the window, with tears in his eyes, waving goodbye as i drive off. I did not wind down my window but i imagine I can hear his wailing.

Last week, something changed. Instead of crying, he was just sticky to me each morning. Holding on to me as I put on my shoes to leave. Letting go when I am ready to go and waving goodbye very sadly. At least he wasn't crying. Teacher said he will get over that "mood" within minutes. Well, that's a big improvement.

BUT..... this morning... the wailing came back. Sigh!


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