
It is almost like a nightly ritual now. Just before bedtime, the kids will demand at least 3 games of Uno. They love the game a lot. Sometimes, if I want them to do something for me (eg. finish their dinner quickly), I can bribe them just by promising to play Uno.
Does Ian know how to play??? You'll be surprised. He actually know how to play. He loves the wild cards and penalty cards (draw 4). He gets very high and happy just having wild cards in his hand.
The only setback is that his hands are too small to hold the cards. So he will lay them in front of him. That means we also get to see his cards and gain advantage. There is no way he can beat us this way.
When we first started playing this game, Ian can't take defeat. He will cry. We have taught him about the spirit of winning and losing. Well, he can handle defeat now. Or maybe he is so used to losing... ha ha
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