Ian is camera shy???
Ian doesn't like to be in the limelight. This includes taking photographs.
When we were in Korea, he has been running away from me whenever I aimed my camera at him. When we were all changed to the traditional Korean costumes for a family portrait, he cried. To be exact, he wailed. Fellow tour members had to help me catch him to "force" him into the costume.
There was no point doing that.
He was still not in the picture in the end. He was right behind us in the picture hiding from the camera. Only 3 of us were in the portrait.
Last Friday, when my lifegroup celebrated birthdays in the month of March (me and Ian included), he cried again when we tried to get him to stand in front of the cake. He ran away sobbing as we sang the birthday song.
The video below showed him refusing to pose for pictures and running away from me as I chased him on separate occasions.
Video part 1 - In a gondola going up the ski mountain
Video part 2 - Tried to shoot him eating sweets in his thick clothings. Looked very cute like a penguin.

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