Shanghai/HK holiday 19 Nov - Day 4
Today is still a rainy day. First stop is at Tai Wu - the 3rd largest lake in China. The guide said it is the size of 3.5 Siingapore.
Ian, asusual, did not want to take pictures but was "forced" to. See the crying baby.
See the boys managing the umbrella themselves in the strong wind. The tour also brought us to a pearl factory. Errr...... another expensive place. I tried my 100% best to handle the pressure selling. Mommy tried her 50% best.....
Next stop was the teapot factory. We learnt a lot about teapots - its culture and art. Never knew it is so chim.
We took a 3 hour coach ride to reach Nanjing. The first stop in Nanjing is to visit Nanjing Da Qiao. It is a bridge made by the Chinese financed and supported by its own people and overseas Chinese. Not an easy feat after learning its background story. At the same venue, there is this very talented artist who paints crystal ball from the inside. The brush is inserted into the ball from the centre. It is amazing. The artist is only only 41 years old. He has decieded to retire at 45 because his eyesight and hands are failing him. he does not think he can produce the same standard after 45.
After 4 days, the boys have made new friends. Don't think they know each others' name but they eat, play and travel together.
After dinner, more shopping at the night market that commemorates Kung Fu Zhi. Now daddy bought quite abit. Can't blame me. The coat (lined inside) cost only S$40. Wish to buy more but..... it's only day 4. Another 6 days to go. Better hold my ammunition.
We stayed at a 5-star hotel tonight. That's why I have connection to post this blog. It's free!
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